Thursday, April 26, 2012

Invasive Plants

Garlic Mustard Weed
This spring as I watch our woods become green I have some mixed feelings. Much of the greenery is what has been labeled invasive; alien plants imported from far away lands, turned loose on fertile ground and spreading like wildfire, dominating all that grew before. I have lived here 30 years and witnessed the change in flora. It's hard for me to not feel some animosity toward these plants. They seem as bullies, pushing and shoving, subduing those that are not the same, no sharing here, just more, more, more.

I keep some areas clear, the small places where we have planted our own imports, but beyond the perimeter it's futile. I am out numbered by a staggering majority.

What to do, what to do? In looking into this a bit I found an excellent article entitled, "Mistaken Identity". It clearly states the problem and gives help in identification and then methods of control. It states, "You Can Make a Difference.  Many battles in the war against invasive plants are being won by small orginizations, volunteer “weed warrior” groups, local land managers, and private conservation landowners."

But here lies the problem. I don't like being a warrior. I don't want to be at war with my woods. It's a lovely spring evening, birds sing, the last rays of day make the greens glow and the shadows long. It's paradise on earth and I feel what - surrounded by the enemy, a relentless advancing army? This is an exaggeration for sure but still this view needs some adjustment.

It turns out that one of my favorite woodland plants, Dames Rocket, one that seemed to be diminishing in recent years, is listed as an invasive. So is it just a question of looks?

What's the most invasive species you can think of? Well, that would be us wouldn't it? Where we have gathered en masse there are square miles where literally nothing else grows. Almost everywhere we go the earth is begging for mercy. So if you're going take this get rid of invasives plan to heart you oughta … ah well geez I'm not gonna do that.

And when we are done strip mining Ohio what comes to the rescue? When we are done with our scorched earth program and departed what will begin again? It will be the hearty plants that thrive in all conditions, the ones that grow despite all efforts to exterminate them, the ones that cast their seeds by the millions, the weeds, the ones we call invasive. They will make a place inhabitable for others once again.

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