I sharpened all the kitchen knives. If I was good I would do this more than once in a blue moon. This was brought on by a conversation with a friend who can't resist a nice knife and has a large collection. It got me thinking about our own kitchen cutlery. These tools we use every day and many have been with us a long time. We have our favorites that we reach for and like the way they feel and do their job.

1. I bought this at a farm auction long ago - a light weight meat cleaver. I was thinking of it in use as more of the oriental style to cut up veggies and scoop them off the block with the wide blade. But it's a little heavy for that so I don't use it much.
2. This little knife was made by my brother-in-law's brother, Wayne Stanley. It is a favorite cheese knife.
Warther Knives - these 4 knives are made by a small family owned operation in Dover, OH. It was started in 1902 by a man whose hobby was carving exact replicas of old steam engines. His carvings are on display in a small museum adjoining the factory and they are astounding. A wonderful little side trip if in the area. And these are wonderful knives.
The first - a boning knife came from Mom's kitchen tools. The second, a paring knife, was a replacement for the temporarily lost 3rd one. The 3rd spent a year or more in the compost pile which is why its handle is a darker color. And the 4th, a slicing knife, was part of the original set that came with a cutting board and paring knife that we got when visiting the museum.
Sabatier Knives - made in France. These knives can be found in any quality kitchen supply store in a myriad of styles.
#4 is an old one Margy got probably in the 70's - regular steel instead of stainless and it might be our favorite, something about the edge this blade takes. The handle is getting pretty funky and I'm thinking about replacing it myself if I could find the right rivets.
5. This one came from Mom too - it used to be an inch and a half longer but I tried to pry something with it and snapped it off. OK, repeat after me, "go get the right tool for the job". I reground the end which explains the odd shape. Still works but not quite as nice as before.
6. Basic nice knives - not sure when or where they came from.
7. Another Sabatier that Margy got long ago but a little different look than most you see.
8.Ecko Waverly Edge bread knife. Looking into this brand's history it started as a small business in the 1880's making tin pans for bakeries. Many business acquisitions later, by the late 1950's this company made 65 percent of all kitchen tools and 40 percent of all cutlery in the US.
This was an inexpensive knife that Margy got in the 70's quite possibly in a supermarket. I've used other more expensive bread knives but never one I liked better. I think it has the right serration - not so fine as to make dust but enough to get a bite on a fresh made loaf.
If you feel like it send me a picture of your favorite knife.